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About Us

Waraka Media Concepts Development Hub is an Innovation aim at filling health related information gap for the benefit of mostly vulnerable class of younger population age bracket, women, girls and child.

Embedded amongst other health related initiative, Waraka Radio and Television will focus on delivering contents and sharing important information aimed at propagating healthy people, healthy environments and healthy communities. From Serious Medical Content to fun and light-hearted health commentary.

Waraka Media Concepts Development Hub works hard in bringing you enjoyable and interesting health related news and Programmes designed to combat drug-abuse amongst youth, female genital mutilation, gender-based violence, HIV-AID stigmatisation and information aimed at providing access to health care and medications, family health, well-being and relationship, exercise and its health benefits, etc.  

Reaching out to at least 30-million listeners across northwestern states of Nigerians and beyond.

Our ambition is to works on partnerships with related and relevant International and local Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Tertiary Institutions, Research Hubs, Recreational Centers, Restaurants, Sports Teams, Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Traditional and Religious Rulers, Women Groups, Hospitals and Rehabilitation Centers, Market Associations, Artisan Groups, Journalists, etc. Within these societal groups and more, we work to emphasize that indeed, health is wealth.

We also partner to generate need-based contents in line with our core objectives and values which remain the health and well-being of our people.

It remains our concern that more need to be done on preventive medicine as a step in lowering the cost of health to the vulnerable members of society. This guides our content design and development in an ever-dynamic process of interaction and dialogue to ensure that more mile is covered to ensure health opportunity and benefit for all. 

Some of our contents are live, availing listeners an instant opportunity to join the conversation. In some special instances where the experts’ knowledge is being prioritized, listeners’ contribution are collated for response from experts in our future programmes.

To ensure wider participation of members of our communities, dedicated Social Media handles are available for their contributions, these we always value and anticipated.

Opportunities for sponsorship of any of our content is welcome from members of the public, corporation and enterprises.

Waraka Radio and Television can be reached on the following; [email protected], warakamediaconcepts@youtube, warakamediaconcepts.com.

expect our response within 24-hours.